Snowfences is a proposal (circa 2012) to bright paint (and caringly repair) wood snow fences throughout the Rocky Mountains (and anywhere else that has them really)
to draw attention to and beautify (and appropriate into my oeuvre) an oft-overlooked kind of Land Art scale sculptural intervention in the landscape, and to engage with a vernacular architecture
color introduces interest and awareness, appreciation of the landscape, and the possibilities for creative and responsible engagement with the landscape.
Noah Travis Phillips is a collage artist who works with their private media archive of "made, found, & modified" images and media, to intertwine personal, mythological, occult, and cultural, and reflect on and explore the posthuman and anthropocene, working with digital and physical formats/modes, to interject and/or sneak their way into art history, and cultivating a personal fiction / legend.
They are an artist, educator, and scholar (BA, Naropa University, Fine Art and Environmental Studies; MFA, University of Denver, Emergent Digital Practices); Assistant Professor & FabLab (Z-Space) Coordinator at Rocky Mountain College of Art + Design.
They have exhibited extensively locally, nationally, internationally, and virtually. They can be found online at